Important Kickstart Differences on Amiga
There are major differences between the early kickstart machines
(Kickstart 1.2) and current releases (Kickstart 3.0/3.1)
Important differences:
Size: Kickstart 1.2 was 256Kb. Kickstart 3.0 is 512Kb
Offsets: *EVERYTHING* changes. Do not make any assumptions about
any data in rom, for example reset locations, topaz.font data
Libraries: Many disk-based libraries under 1.3 are now in ROM, along
with disk-validator and other things....
Workbench: Workbench is much improved. Use it.
OS Functions: *Many* new OS functions in all libraries. Now much
easier to use, and faster. Much faster than under 1.2/1.3
How to check kickstart
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l LIB_VERSION(a6),d0
d0 now contains version number. Compare with the following (all
values in decimal)
V0 to V32 - Obsolete! No longer supported.
V33 - Kickstart 1.2
V34 - Kickstart 1.3 (1.2 with autoboot for HD)
V35 - Early beta-kickstart 1.4. Obsolete
V36 - Obsolete! Early V2.00-V2.03 supplied with Amiga 3000
Amiga 3000 owners should upgrade to at least V37
V37 - Kickstart 2.04. Final release version of Kickstart 2
(V38) - Workbench 2.1 (exec.library should not show this
version. All true V38 libraries are disk based)
V39 - Kickstart 3.0
V40 - Kickstart 3.1 - Currently only in AmigaCD 32
Do NOT compare numbers directly, eg.
cmp.w #39,d0
beq kickstart3
Always check for greater or equal... eg.
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