Miscellaneous hints and tips

  • How to force a RESET
  • Trackloaders

    How to force a RESET

    Here is the official routine supported by Commodore:
      INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
      INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i"
    ;  csect text                  ; in lattice ASM
    ;  section text,code           ; in Devpac/Argasm
      xdef  _ColdReboot
      xref  _LVOSupervisor
    EXECBASE        equ 4
    ROMEND          equ $01000000
    SIZE_OFFSET     equ -$14
    KICK_V36        equ 36
    V36_ColdReboot  equ -726
          move.l EXECBASE,a6
          cmp.w  #KICK_V36,LIB_VERSION(a6)   ;which Version of Exec ?
          blt.s  .old_kick                   ;old one -> goto old_kick
          jmp    V36_ColdReboot(a6)          ;else use Exec-Function
          lea    .Reset_Code(pc),a5
          jsr    _LVOSupervisor(a6)          ;get Supervisor-status
          ;never reaching this point
          cnop 0,4                             ;very important
          lea    ROMEND,a0                   ;Calc Entrypoint
          sub.l  SIZE_OFFSET(a0),a0
          move.l 4(a0),a0
          subq.l #2,a0
          reset                              ;Reset peripherie
          jmp    (a0)                        ;done
                         ;  and  in the same LONGWORD !!!!


    Use CIA timers! DON'T use processor timing. If you use processor timing you will MESS UP the diskdrives in accelerated Amigas.

    Use AddICRVector to allocate your timers, don't hit $bfxxxx addresses!!!

    On second thoughts. DON'T use trackloaders! Use Dos...

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