Tracker Music Play Routines
No demo would be complete without a tracker module playing
in the background. It's a pity then that tracker code
seems to be amongst the worst written I've seen:
Protracker Replay code bug
I've just got the Protracker 2.3 update, and the replay code (both
the VBlank and CIA code) still has the same bug from 1.0!
At the front of the file is an equate
>DMAWait = 300 ; Set this as low as possible without losing low notes.
And then it goes on to use 300 as a hard coded value, never refering
to DMAWait!
Now, until I can get some free time to write a reliable scanline-wait
routine to replace their DBRA loops (does anyone want to write a better
Protracker player? Free fame & publicity :-), I suggest you change
the references to 300 in the code (except in the data tables!) to
DMAWait, and you make the DMAWait value *MUCH* higher.
I use 1024 on this Amiga 3000 without any apparent problem, but
perhaps it's safer to use a value around 2000. Amiga 4000/040
owners and those with 68040 cards tell me that between 1800 and
2000 are reasonable values...
There is a better Protracker replay routine in the source/ folder.
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